5 Following

Britt's Books

Death Angel

Death Angel: A Novel - Linda Howard If I had a hot assassin attached to me as a self-appointed bodyguard after things go wrong (or right), I'd be a happy woman.Damn, I was pleased with how this story progressed. Watching Drea/Andie and the assassin/Simon play around like they were playing chess was a blast. The main hero and heroine were both incredibly intelligent and there was a tension throughout that really had me rooting for them. Their chemistry was amazing.No, I wasn't a fan of the little "heaven" scene, but I can't really complain because I really liked the relationship between Andie and Simon. And the first time he has sex with her, it's for four hours. Yes plz.

Stripped (city2city, # 1)

Stripped (city2city, # 1) - Edie Harris And Edie Harris wins me over again! Though this is quite different than the first book I read by her, [b:The Corrupt Comte|17913508|The Corrupt Comte (The Bourbon Boys Quartet, #1)|Edie Harris|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1368463281s/17913508.jpg|25104381], it was still a pleasure to read.Edie tweeted that while her hero in STRIPPED, Declan, didn't have angst, her heroine, Fiona, did. And oh yes, she had angst enough for the both of them. But it was a good angst that provided depth for the story. I really enjoyed this.The two of them together was an absolute pleasure to read, and their relationship as it grew was beautiful. The title was so apt; the characters, especially Fiona, were stripped down to their core as they gave each other their hearts and love. I had read it all in one sitting.Side note: I really, really want to read the real steampunk story of Vendetta. It sounds right up my alley.
Candy, Stripped - Lisa Burstein LOVED! This gif still applies, and is pretty much what I did as I finished the book:So many good things to say about this book. I can't wait until it comes out! :)
All Our Yesterdays - Cristin Terrill Time travel is tricky. And so is this book.Things start out unclear, and I began reading with interest. And then I blinked and I was 200 pages in. And then I was gripping the book so hard my fingers turned white, and then I read the last sentence.Nothing about the plot or villain or main characters is easy or plain. And that's what made it so magnetic. I'm still kind of in shock. It ended just the way it should have. You know, after squeezing my heart right before. I love Em and Finn. So much. And I love a book that can take me by such surprise.
Taste the Heat (Love and Games, #1) - Rachel  Harris Oh man. Every time I read Rachel Harris' books, I fall in love. With her stories, with her characters, and with her writing. I just feel good when I read one of her books, and TASTE THE HEAT was no exception. Can't wait for Cane! Eeee!
Unwind - Neal Shusterman Wow.Having just finished, I don't think I have adequate words to express all the things this book makes you feel and experience.This book is horrifying, plain and simple. But it's also filled with hope and wonder. It portrays such vile and disgusting acts that the adults have no problem committing, yet it's a book filled with beauty and love. I don't know. It's amazing.My favorite scene is Roland's last scene. It's just...terrifying, horrifying, inhumane all seem too tame to describe it. It's the scene that affected me the most and even though I knew how bad everything was before, that's when it really sinks in. It was done so extremely well.Bottom line is, I think everyone should read this book whether it's your "thing" or not. Because it really should make you think about things, about people, how you treat them, and how you act. Do you step forward and do what you know is right? Or do you look the way and let someone else deal with uncomfortable things because it's not your problem?
The Cuckoo's Calling - Robert Galbraith DNFI can't. I can't suffer through this any longer.I can say, without a doubt, it didn't matter to me who the author was. There was just nothing to the story. No sense of urgency. Nothing to give me a reason to sit on the edge of my seat, flipping to the next page, staying up all night to figure out what happened.The characters were cool, and some of the details were very interesting and well done.Besides the lack of any urgency, there was so much telling and absolutely no showing, it made the story unbearable to read. I felt no connection to anything because I was simply told, over and over, how things happened, or how things might have happened. If you liked this (because of Rowling or because of the story), that's fine. It just wasn't for me.

Undying (Undying, #1)

Undying (Undying, #1) - Cyndy Aleo Absolutely loved this. I was waiting for the "big twist", but there really wasn't one. That made me respect the story that much more, and believe in the love of these characters.PS You're going to cry when reading this. PPS FUCK CANCER
Out of Line - Jen McLaughlin, Diane Alberts 4.5 StarsCan't wait to hear about THE CALL! Eek!

A Tale of Two Centuries

A Tale of Two Centuries - Rachel  Harris Loooooved this book! So much!As much as I loved [b:My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century|13586321|My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century (My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century, #1)|Rachel Harris|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1340259453s/13586321.jpg|18274107], A Tale of Two Centuries far surpassed my expectations - and they were already high! Watching Less transform into the woman she was meant to be was a joy. And watching Austin in his own transformation with and alongside Less was just as lovely. This was such a pleasure to read. I can't say that enough. ATOTC has definitely earned its place as the first Entangled book I physically have on my shelves. :)
Escape from Eden - Elisa Nader 4-4.5 StarsFirst, thank you to Elisa who sent me a signed copy! Second, I'm so grateful I'm already an atheist. The cult religion presented in this book is so disgusting, yet I only wanted to keep reading. I was so worried in the beginning when Mia was such a weak character, even when speaking out and having opinions and questioning things. She did grow stronger throughout the book, which I was very grateful for. Also, there's an Obi-Wan joke that totally made me pause to laugh out loud. C'mon. You can't beat that. Thanks for all the laughs, Gabriel. All in all, I was really glued to this book and had to keep reading to see how everything played out.
Phoenix Overture - Jodi Meadows Sam. Oh, Sam. Come here so I can give you all the hugs.Seriously. If you can read Phoenix Overture and not be compelled to hug Sam...you're not human. I LOVED this little glimpse into the past. I hated how short it was - but I knew that going into it. I could easily read book after book in Sam's POV over all of his lifetimes.And dragons! Those damn dragons! *shakes fist*Basically my review is...read this. Read it NOW.*waits impatiently for INFINITE*
Take Me - Diane Alberts I thought this was a great book to wrap up such a nice series :)
Steamed - Katie MacAlister I DNF'd this. (Before I was on goodreads)I just remember not liking it, at all, and thinking is was a poor example of steampunk.

Wilde Nights in Paradise (A Wilde Security Novel) (Entangled Brazen)

Wilde Nights in Paradise - Tonya Burrows LOVED this one!

The Night Circus

The Night Circus - Erin Morgenstern I'm...not even sure how to express what I'm feeling right now. This was love, and a dream of the most wonderful qualities.