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Britt's Books

Two Wrongs, One Right

Two Wrongs, One Right - Katee Robert Holy hotness! I loved Nathan and Chelsea. So perfect together.
Siren's Call: A Dark Tides Novel - Devyn Quinn DNF at 43%.I couldn't push through it. I thought I could get to the storybuilding, but I couldn't get into any of the characters. If I can't empathize or like a character, why am I reading about them? I really don't care about them.Sigh. Why is it so hard to find a good mermaid book?

The Cursed

The Cursed - Alyssa Day First of all, a huge thank you to Alyssa Day for sending me a signed copy of this book!I loved it! Rio and Luke are both intriguing characters, and neither of them are your typical romance hero/heroine. In fact, the story and the world was a refreshing breath of air in PNR. It was full of surprises, emotion, ridiculousness, hilarity, and love.What I really applaud Day for is there are no "good guys" vs "bad guys". Every person has their good and bad sides, but we see all the sides of everyone. It's nice to not have simple characters that are easy to predict. I really fell in love with Luke and Rio, and can't wait to see what the rest of the League series has to offer! :)
Skies of Gold - Zoe Archer I love this series and the Man O' Wars. Skies of Gold is a bit different from past books and, admittedly, moves a bit slower, with the action only really happening in the end.However, this gave the perfect opportunity to explore Kali and Fletcher's personalities in depth. They were solid, fleshed out characters with some wonderful tension. As someone who values character over everything, I really enjoyed this. As usual, Zoe infuses feminism into every aspect of the book, something I've come to both expect and admire in her books. Just another reason why she's an auto-buy author for me. I love it.I'm sad to see this series end...but I haven't read Nico's books in the series yet. That will be happening soon. :DMikhail is still my favorite Man O' War. BUT these two characters gave me major feels. I couldn't ask for anything more. :)Absolutely recommend you give this series a read if you enjoy steampunk. Though they can be read as stand-alones, reading from book 1 helps.
The Mysterious Case of Mr. Strangeway (The St. Croix Chronicles, #0.5) - Karina Cooper I have made it very clear that I absolutely adore Karina's writing, and this novella is no exception. Cherry is fifteen, and as reckless as ever. It was a delight to read her first collection, and every character she meets is wonderful. Not to mention Cherry's introduction to Hawke.*fangirl squee* Hawke! How does the man get hotter every time I read him? Unf. He's such a great part of these stories. Anyway, if you haven't read these awesome steampunk stories, WHY NOT?!

The Snow Queen's Shadow (Princess Novels Series #4)

The Snow Queen's Shadow - Jim C. Hines This was, by far, the best book of the series.The books seem to suggest that Danielle is our main character. At least, she is in book 1. But for me, ever since her introduction, Talia was the lead for me. Talia's actions, motivations, and story guided each book. Okay, so did Snow's and Danielle's, but Talia is everything in this series for me. So it's no surprise, then, that when Talia goes through some tough times near the end of the novel, I was actually tearing up for her.People seem to not like that this book is darker than the others in the series. I think it was done fantastically, and was the perfect arc for the series to take. A wonderful ending. I'm sad to see these characters go.

Red Hood's Revenge (Princess Novels Series #3)

Red Hood's Revenge - Jim C. Hines This was a very Talia-oriented storyline, which made me a very happy camper as she is my favorite character. Some parts dragged, but no more than in the previous books. I absolutely love these characters. Seeing Talia happy and in love (*gasp*) is such a refreshing change!
Down and Dirty (Dare Me, #2) - Christine  Bell So good!

The Darkest Craving

The Darkest Craving - Gena Showalter I don't even know where to begin with this book...it was so very painful to read, and to finish. I almost DNF'd it several times. I kept hoping it would get better. (Hint: It didn't.) I used to really love and enjoy this series. But it's gone downhill, and fast. My first hate was Kane himself. In previous books, I felt for him. Not pity, but compassion, because if I were to house any of the LOTU demons, I most certainly have Disaster in me. So I was looking forward to learning more about him. But I never liked him. I could never sympathize with Kane, and I felt...nothing for him. Which made me extremely sad.Then Josephina. Or as Kane calls her, Tinker Bell, Tink, and oh yeah, Tinky Dink. *vomits* Oh boy. I could not stand her. Could not. She started out sooo promising. She had a sharp tongue, motivation, and questionable strength. But it was there. Then she dropped away. Tink's only value as a person is Kane. She only accomplishes things because Kane gives her permission/strength/etc. Gena TELLS us that she's a strong heroine, but no where is there proof. Any time Tink does anything strong or good, Kane is there. She's the strong woman who picked up a branch while her big, strong MAN is there getting rid of the rest of the heavy tree. It was disgusting. Tink being naive and a virgin and all that yadda yadda isn't even the problem. It's that Gena has reduced the woman - oh, wait, no female's role to solely be pleasure for her man. She can do other things on the side, but each woman is defined by the male who owns her. While noticeable in past books, it really stood out in this one. Kane's motivations the entire time looked something like, "CAVEMAN KANE NEED HIS WOMAN. KILL, GET MY WOMAN. MINE. MINE. MINE." (Trust me, it's even more annoying in the book)And the "villains"...they were about as frightening as the monster in Robot Monster. In case you're unfamiliar, that would be this scary guy:They were unbelievable, and weak. It was obvious Kane could overpower them easily, and with the addition of William and his kids, it was laughable. The stakes needed to be a hell of a lot higher. As it was, I was very :| meh about everything.I can ramble on, but those are the bottom lines. I really wanted to love this book. I was so excited. I can even deal with lackluster sex scenes, even though they did bother me a little. The big issues were the blatant sexism and patriarchal demeaning all throughout this book, and these characters. I can't read something like that and enjoy it.
The Corrupt Comte (The Bourbon Boys Quartet, #1) - Edie Harris Positively enjoyed this. I'm usually hesitant to read historicals, but I couldn't resist the perfectly damaged, corrupt comte. Throw in some healthy D/s, and I'm a happy woman.I LOVE that Claudia stutters, and is a strong woman. With some switchiness hidden in her, too! I like to think she experimented further with that in her and Gaspard's future.And Gaspard -- ah, I cannot express how much I love my tortured heroes. I just want to give him a big hug! Like all damaged heroes, he has big flaws. But when he realizes his love for Claudia, it's made all the sweeter. Thank you, Edie, for the free copy! I'm hooked, and can't wait to read the stories of Gaspard's fellow spies.
The Theory of Attraction - Delphine Dryden Oh man. Geeky, intelligent BDSM. This was fantastic! Now, excuse me while I buy and read the next book. Right now.

The Seduction Hypothesis

The Seduction Hypothesis - Delphine Dryden I'm always hesitant about Doms in denial, but I was convinced with this one. I think I love Ivan and Cami more, but I thoroughly enjoyed Ben and Lindsey's journey as well. Again, geeky BDSM for the win! Loved the reality of the characters and their actions. Thank you for writing real kink, Del.

The Last Stormdancer (The Lotus War, #0.6)

The Last Stormdancer (The Lotus War, #0.6) - Jay Kristoff Damn you, Jay. STOP WRITING THINGS THAT MAKE ME SAD!Seriously, this novella set before Stormdancer was absolutely lovely. Sad, tragic, but wonderful. It only made me want Kinslayer a million times more.
Sever - Lauren DeStefano I'm not even sure how to review Sever. It was completely different than the book I expected, though I should have expected that. I wished that there had been more of Gabriel, and even more of Rowen. I never liked Linden, despite everything that happened. Destefano's language is, as always, beautiful and poetic. I love these books for their tragic beauty alone, and the tone and diction sells that. That's why, even with the hope that permeates the ending, it still somehow feels cruel. And I love that, so very much.I was looking forward to the infamous Chapter 24, but it didn't really affect me like I'd heard so much about. *shrug* Rhine didn't do half the things I was shouting at her to do, and she was more passive, again, than I would have liked her to be. But I can't fault her character that.Even though I never agreed with everything in these books, or liked everything, I'm sold on Destefano's writing forever.
Fever - Lauren DeStefano 4.5 StarsHoly. Amazeballs.I never say "amazeballs". But Fever just made me say it. This book started out slow, and I was so afraid it wouldn't be good. That it would drag even worse than Wither did. Then halfway through, I was running downhill without stopping.I was so torn on how to read this book - race to the ending to see what happens, or go slowly to savor the beautiful language Destefano composes on each page. SO many wonderful things stick out in this book to me. Just as much as the very disturbing things in this book, more disturbing than Wither.With Rhine out in the real, grisly outside world, it's a gruesome as it is horribly beautiful. And Vaughn...the things he's doing. *shudders*I'm pacing by my door, hoping Sever arrives today. Because I need it. NOW.
The Mistress - Tiffany Reisz It's so hard to write a review for this book. It was amazing, it was heart wrenching, and most of all, it was full of love.Each of the Original Sinners books has its own tone, and its own motifs. Love, in all its forms, has always been in each book, but it felt even stronger in Mistress. Letting people go because of your love for them, and all the sacrifices one makes for the people they love. Love vs. unhealthy obsession. Soul deep love, and love that isn't so deep.I've cried in every OS book, but I cried very little in Mistress. That doesn't mean it's bad, or even that I'm disappointed. Far from it. It was everything I'd hoped this book to be. Yes, the first half felt slow, and felt like a rehashing of everything I already knew, sometimes being explained a couple times. But by the end, I didn't mind it so much. Søren made me weep from the simplest two or three letter sentences. That man holds my heart and knows it, the bastard. Nora was so fucking badass that I couldn't help but to grin. King made my heart and breath stop, and I didn't think it was possible to love him any more. I do. Those two make me proud to be a switch. Proud, and humble. To share something with these three characters is breathtaking. I love them so very much.Wes finally grew the fuck up. Let me say that I have NEVER liked Wes' character. Ever. He's cute, but from far, far away. Like across the ocean. Then came this book. He matured, learned a lot of lessons, and he held his own ground while doing it. I now respect him. Grace and Laila were wonderful to see, to watch both of their stories grow and unravel. I loved them both as well. Unlike the epilogue of Deathly Hallows, I loved the last chapter in Mistress. It left me satisfied, while also wanting to find and play with a whole new set of characters. I trusted Mistress Tiffany to give me the perfect ending. She didn't disappoint. ----------------------------------------- Holy hell. What a rush. Now that it's going on 8am, and I've hit 100%, I think I should get some sleep. Then I'll say how wonderful the end to this series was.